Wednesday, 19 March 2008

More than just pissoirs

The Duchamp, Man Ray and Picabia exhibition at the Tate Modern is a good value economy-pack 3 for the price of 1 type exhibition. 12 rooms, 3 artists - that works out at a room a pound. Probably about 10p per exhibit. You can't knock that.
In order of funniness:
1. Man Ray.
2. Duchamp.
3. Picabia.
Man Ray also wins the title for randomness and wierd obsessions. Have a look at his 'carving chess pieces' phase. And then there's Duchamp's alter ego Rrose Sélavy, which quite inspired me to work on my alter ego. Finally the best bit was Man Ray's telegram to his friend of 40 years, Picabia, as Picabia lay on his deathbed. It just read:
‘A bientot, cher Francis – Marcel’.

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